Academy Preview Class – August 2024


Are you curious about the ImpactStory™ Academy? You’re invited to a 60-minute, preview class on Tuesday, August 20, 2023, 3-5pmEST.

Join 15 minutes before and stay 15 minutes after to chat with me!

Join like-minded nonprofit professionals who are interested in implementing the ImpactStory™ Strategy so they can be clear, confident, and compelling when telling powerful impact stories.

Introduction to each other and the Academy.

  • Lesson: Program Evaluation is NOT Your Job – What to do Instead
  • Interactive Discussion: Your strengths and biggest challenges in tracking and talking about impact
  • Take Aways: (1) Clear understanding of the difference between program evaluation science and powerful impact that nonprofits can actually track, (2) the key steps in the ImpactStory Strategy™, (3) an assessment of where your organization is already killing it and where you might need more support, and (4) connection to other nonprofit leaders to hear about strengths and challenges with tracking and talking about impact
  • Next Steps: Register for the Fall 2024 ImpactStory™ Academy starting on September 3, 2024 so you can have all the knowledge, tools, and resources you need to implement the straightforward ImpactStory™ Strategy at your nonprofit

Resources Provided: (1) class list, (2) the syllabus for the ImpactStory™ Academy, (3) a self assessment tool to understand your nonprofit’s strengths and challenges in tracking and talking about impact

Check out the ImpactStory Academy Syllabus