The Developmental Assets Profile
The Developmental Asset Profile (DAP) is a reliable and valid assessment of the strengths, supports, and social-emotional factors that are essential for young people’s success in school and life. It grows out of more than 60 years of research with millions of young people.
Protective Factors Survey
The Protective Factors Survey (PFS) and the Protective Factors Survey, 2nd Edition (PFS-2) are designed for use with parents and caregivers participating in family support and child maltreatment prevention services. The PFS and PFS-2 assess multiple protective factors to prevent child abuse and neglect. Both surveys are intended to help agencies and programs better assess changes in family protective factors.
How to Design Survey Forms for Quick Data Entry
This concise and helpful guide explains how to design a survey form to make the data entry process as easy and quick as possible.
How to Write Awesome Survey Questions -Part Two
This guide provides tips on how to create the three most common types of survey answers -numerical, multiple choice, and scales -in a way that improves accuracy and reduces bias.
How to Write Awesome Survey Questions -Part One
This guide explains how to write clear, concise survey questions that will collect accurate data. This guide is best for basic quantitative surveys, needs assessments, simple baseline and endline surveys in the form of written surveys for individuals who are literate.