Trust-based Partnerships Make Way for Systems Change

Data Supports Collaboration, Co-Learning, and Thriving

August 27, 2024

Maryfrances Porter

The Future is Trust-based Philanthropy

I designed the ImpactStory™ Strategy to align with the social sector initiatives focused on building the strength and reach of the social sector so everyone has access to thriving.

It’s through the collective efforts of Trust-based Philanthropy, the Equitable Evaluation Initiative, Capitalize GoodGrantmakers for Effective Organizations, the Council on Foundations, the Council of NonprofitsFund for Shared InsightListen4Good, and their sister organizations, that we are moving closer to shifting power in the sector and toward the systems change we all envision.

If you are less familiar with these initiatives, a few of the common threads that run through them are:

– When the value-driven work of the sector is controlled by dollars, rather than by the needs of the communities served, power imbalances – and the associated inequities and racism – are perpetuated and further strengthened. Authentic trust-based partnerships which shift power are the antidote.

– Nonprofits are trapped in a scarcity mindset which limits their ability to plan for and make long-term impact. A scarcity mindset is crippling for individualsbusiness, and the social sectorAdopting an abundance mindset and helping grantmakers and nonprofits focus on sustained general operating funding is the answer.

– When funders are cast as banks and nonprofits as beggars, everything is about control and there is no room for honesty and trust – which is required for creativity and growth. Co-learning, being responsive, and growing together is the path forward. We need to reframe accountability – away from being about oversight – and towards being about authentic long-term collaboration.

– The status quo means grantmakers aren’t able to realize their vision for systems change. Trust-based philanthropy is the way forward.

We NEED each other to realize an equitable and thriving world.


Data Has Been Used for Evil – So Beware

I’m writing a book and I’ll talk more about the dark and injurious history of science and data.

Individual lives are easily lost when boiled down to sterile numbers.

I bet you experience the extractive, exploitive nature of some surveys and how our data is collected, used, and sold.

Let’s add in that it’s likely that almost 20% of us have math anxiety. Just thinking about data is hard enough – without all the immorality.

The way data is used reflects the values of the person using it.


Let’s Change the Way Data Experienced

– When collecting and using data use is value-driven, strengths-based, and inclusive – it is a powerful tool in our work for systems change.

– Data collection can be approached as loving, structured curiosity.

– Data analysis can be an opportunity for understanding, co-learning, and co-creating the conditions for the future we envision.

– Storytelling with data, especially when married with stories and art from the people benefiting, data (1) lets people know you’re listening, (2) builds trust, and (3) communicates the stories of many.

You also know that data and numbers is just one way of knowing and I bet you find joy in the knowing that comes from visual and performance art, music, and stories.

When value-driven, data is a power tool for good.


The ImpactStoryStrategy Supports the Way Forward

Read more about the Strategy here.

The Strategy is designed so nonprofits and their funders can use it in the process of building authentic collaborations.

The Strategy has step-by-step processes for listening to communities, co-learning, and evolving their work together for the long-term.

The Strategy includes ways of incorporating non-data ways of knowing in our understanding, co-learning, and movement toward systems change.

The Strategy practically supports progress toward a vision for systems change.


Partnerships for Strategic Impact®

At Partnerships for Strategic Impact®, I have all the tools to build out the structures and strategies you need for tracking and using impact. I train social sector staff in how to use these tools, in how to analyze data, in how to make action steps for change, and how to tell powerful impact stories. My goal is your sustainability: I provide just the right amount of coaching and ongoing support to ensure success.

This is within reach. It’s not harder than managing your budget. Plus, you, your funders, and the people you serve deserve to know more about the value your organization delivers.

If you’re reading this, then you’re already part of my network. Schedule some time on my calendar. There’s no sales pitch and no obligation. Just curiosity and answering your questions. I am the seasoned program-evaluation, program-development, data-storytelling partner you need, right in your back pocket. I am here to bring order to the process of figuring out how to track and use your impact story.

– Maryfrances

Your ImpactStory™ Coach

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