Partnerships for Strategic Impact® values a world where everyone has the opportunity to thrive. We do this through our individual actions, individual interactions, and through our work in supporting a social sector that celebrates diversity, values inclusion, and centers equity. We center everything we do on an ongoing commitment to being antiracist, to dismantling white supremacy, and to being a vocal and active ally to those experiencing disempowerment, disenfranchisement, and oppression of rights.

We use our whiteness and unearned power to amplify voices different than our own in the service of equity.  We act and serve in ways that dismantle deeply-rooted and pervasive policies, systems, and insidious acts of exclusion and oppression, which promote and perpetuate inequitable access to opportunities, to resources, and to thriving.

PSI pledges itself fully to this work and understands that it must start, and remain centered, within our own organization and our partnerships. We must reflect on our own role in the perpetuation of inequitable systems and outcomes. We will make mistakes and will learn from them. Our vision of equitable, thriving, and just communities means we also commit to our internal work with humility, intention, transparency, and resolve.

PSI is committed to contributing to a more just and equitable world by supporting positive change in the social sector. We partner with clients to use impact to promote democracy, social justice, equity, and activating the power of those who have been disenfranchised.

DIVERSITY – Diversity is all of our varied identities and differences, as individuals and collectively, including diversity of beliefs, perspectives, and values.

EQUITY – Equity does not mean equal access. Equity is access to opportunities and resources which support each individual getting what they need to thrive in the context history, as well as in chosen and unchosen circumstances. The work of equity ensures that race, ethnicity, sexuality, gender, ability, or zip code do not predetermine power or outcomes for anyone.

INCLUSION – Inclusion is the act of creating environments in which any individuals or groups are and feel welcomed, respected, supported, and valued to fully participate and affect decisions and actions at all levels of an organization.