I’ve been writing and publishing since 1995.

First in academia, then in the public sector, and now most often on the behalf of our clients. I create succinct, actionable deliverables.


Youth Assessment Advisory Group. (September 2018). Culpeper Youth Interest and Needs Assessment. Sponsored by the Culpeper Wellness Foundation. Culpeper, Virginia. Available on-line: https://culpeperwellnessfoundation.org/youth-interests-assessment/

Community Foundation for a greater Richmond & Center for Nonprofit Excellence. (August 2018). 2017 Regional Nonprofit Compensation and Benefits Report. Richmond and Charlottesville, Virginia. Available for purchase: https://www.thecne.org/purchase-2017-regional-compensation-benefits-report/ 

Porter, M. (August 2018). City Schoolyard Garden Evaluation Data Summary and Conclusions. Prepared for City Schoolyard Garden.

Porter, M. (June 2018). Capacity Building Plan for Staffing and Board Role. Prepared for the Dan River Nonprofit Network.

Nardi, C. & Porter. M. (October 2017). Action to Impact: Roadmap for Collaboration. Available on-line: https://www.thecne.org/learn/colab/roadmap-2/

Porter, M. (September 2017). City Schoolyard Garden Evaluation Data Summary and Conclusions. Prepared for City Schoolyard Garden.

Porter, M. (August 2017) Roadmaps for Creating an Early Childhood Center and Integrated Workforce Development into the Redevelopment of Friendship Court. Prepared for Piedmont Housing Alliance.

Porter, M. (August 2017). City Schoolyard Garden Evaluation Data Summary and Conclusions. Prepared for City Schoolyard Garden.

Porter, M. (June 2017). Dan River Nonprofit Network: Strategic Plan July 2017 – April 2018. Prepared for Dan River Nonprofit Network.

Porter, M. (October 2016). 2016 Comprehensive Data Report. Prepared for the City of Promise.

Porter, M. (September 2016). City Schoolyard Garden Evaluation Data Summary and Conclusions. Prepared for City Schoolyard Garden.

Porter, M. (September 2016). High Fidelity Wraparound Practice Model. Prepared for Region Ten Community Services Board, Child and Family Center.

Porter, M. (August 2016). 2016 Summer Data Report. Prepared for City of Promise.

Porter, M. (January 2016). Mid-Year Data Report. Prepared for City of Promise.

Porter, M. (August 2015). 2015 Summer Data Report. Prepared for City of Promise.

Porter, M. (January 2015). Mid-Year Data Report. Prepared for City of Promise.

Porter, M. (August 2014). 2014 Summer Data Report. Prepared for City of Promise.

Porter, M. (January 2014). Mid-Year Data Report. Prepared for City of Promise.

GRACE Task Force Assessment Workgroup. (March 2013). Comprehensive Gang Assessment. Prepared for the Charlottesville/Albemarle Gang Reduction through Active Community Engagement (GRACE) Task Force. Available on-line: http://www.albemarle.org/upload/images/forms_center/departments/Police/forms/GRACE_Executive_Report_03.08.14.pdf

Porter, M.R. & Larsen, R. (August, 2013). HERE! Initiative Implementation Process Evaluation. Prepared for the City of Hampton.

Porter, M.R. & Savoy, M. (August, 2013). Jefferson Public Citizen’s Program: Year 2 Evaluation. Prepared for the Center for Undergraduate Excellence.

Porter, M.R. & Savoy, M. (September 2012). Baseline Evaluation of the Jefferson Public Citizen’s Program: Prepared for the Office of University Community Partnerships. Available on-line: http://curry.virginia.edu/uploads/resourceLibrary/Evaluation_Report_JPC_10.16.12.pdf

Porter, M.R. (July 2012). Team Stats: Annual Assessment Results and Segmentation Analysis Results for the City of Promise. Available on-line: http://cityofpromise.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/SegmentationAnalysis.pdf

Porter, M.R. (August, 2012). Truancy Assessment and Contract: A Reference for Juvenile Courts. Available on-line: http://curry.virginia.edu/uploads/resourceLibrary/Truancy_Assessment_and_ContractYouthNex.September_2012.pdf

Wolman, R. & Porter, M.R. (May, 2012). Evidence-based Youth Practices: Web Summaries. Available on-line: http://curry.virginia.edu/uploads/resourceLibrary/Youth_EvidenceBased_Practices_Websites_5.28.12.pdf

Virginia’s Family and Child Trust Fund (contracted to Communitas Consulting). (2010, 2011). Violence at Home: The FACT Report. Available on-line: http://www.fact.state.va.us/

Doswell, L., Durkee, M., Gale-Bentz, E., Jamil, F., Richards, J., Warner, T., Oudekerk, B., Porter, M.R., & Reppucci, N.D. (December, 2009). Service Provision to Youth and Families in Charlottesville City and Albemarle County: Racial Disparity and Disproportionality and Best Practices for Addressing Them. A Report to the Task Force on Racial Disparity and Disproportionality in Youth Services, Charlottesville/Albemarle Commission on Youth and Families.

Savoy, M., Stern, D., & Porter, M.R. (2009). TANF/VIEW Program Evaluation Final Report. Prepared for the Charlottesville Department of Social Services by the University of Virginia and the Charlottesville/Albemarle Commission on Children and Families.

Comprehensive Services Act Program Subcommittee. (June, 2009). Quarterly Outcome Report: Baseline Report. A report to the Charlottesville/Albemarle Comprehensive Services Act Committee.

Comprehensive Services Act Program Subcommittee. (June, 2009). Update on the Recommendations for Restructuring. A report to the Charlottesville/Albemarle Comprehensive Services Act Committee.

Comprehensive Services Act Program Subcommittee, Process Improvement Team. (November, 2008). Charlottesville/Albemarle Comprehensive Services Act: Evaluation of structures, process, and operations and recommendations for restructuring. A report to the Charlottesville/Albemarle Comprehensive Services Act Committee.

Raymond, M., & Porter, M.R. (October, 2008). To be full partners: Possibilities for University Community engagement. 9th National Outreach Scholarship Conference: Innovation and Leadership for Engagement, State College, Pennsylvania. Available on-line: http://www.virginia.edu/provost/public/pdf/PennStatePres10082008.v3.pdf

Human Services Strategic Plan Advisory Committee of the Charlottesville/Albemarle Commission on Children and Families. (July, 2007). Human Services Strategic Plan, Phase II: Background Data and Research and Identification of Priorities.

Porter, M.R. (February, 2007). Systems of Care Survey, Fall 2007. Final Report to the Charlottesville/Albemarle Commission on Children and Families by the Comprehensive Services Act Committee.

Stepping Stones Advisory Committee of the Charlottesville/Albemarle Commission on Children and Families. (December 2007). Stepping Stones: An Annual Report on the Well-Being of Child and Families in the Charlottesville/Albemarle Community.

Engaged Scholars’ Work Group. (November, 2007). Interim Progress Report: Community-University Service, Learning, and Research Partnerships. A report made to the Office of Public Service and Outreach at the University of Virginia and the Charlottesville/Albemarle Commission on Children and Families.

Owens, J., Porter, M.P., & Hess, H. (2004). Focus Areas for Children and Families in the Charlottesville/Albemarle Area, Phase II: Inventory of City/County Investment. Presented by The Charlottesville/Albemarle Commission on Children and Families, Outcome Measurement Work Group.

Porter, M.R. (2003). Focus Areas for Children and Families in the Charlottesville/Albemarle Area, Phase I: Understanding Service Needs. Presented by The Charlottesville/Albemarle Commission on Children and Families, Outcome Measurement Work Group.

Mulvey, E.P., Porter, M.R., & Chung, H.L. (2002). Building pathways out of crime and delinquency for serious and violent juvenile offenders.  Unpublished manuscript prepared for the 2002 Arizona Juvenile Justice Symposium, Prescott, Arizona.


Porter, M. (August 2017). Introduction to Data Driven Decision Making. A presentation for the Center for Nonprofit Excellence, Charlottesville, VA.

Porter, M. & Lantz, C. (September 2016). HFW Tools for the Strengths and Needs Discovery. Virginia High Fidelity Wraparound Conference: Bringing Systems of Care to Scale with HFW, Richmond, Virginia.

Porter, M., Corbin, C., David, A. & Hudgins, D. (September 2016). The Positive Impact on Family Support Partners as Part of an Intensive Care Coordination Team. Virginia High Fidelity Wraparound Conference: Bringing Systems of Care to Scale with HFW, Richmond, Virginia.

Porter, M. (October 2016). Strategic Impact Maps: Outcome Choices, Measurement and Conclusions. A presentation to the Virginia Poverty Law Center, Hampton, VA.

Porter, M. (March 2016). Unpacking Impact Evaluation. Presentation to VOCAL, Inc., Richmond, VA.

Porter, M. (April 2014, May 2016). Getting from Mission to Vision: Defining and Measuring Impact. Presentation for the Central Virginia Academy for Nonprofit Excellence, Lynchburg, VA.

Porter, M.R. (March/April, 2014). Comprehensive Gang Assessment. Presentations to the public on behalf of the Charlottesville/Albemarle GRACE Task Force.

Porter, M.R. (September, 2013). Three part workshop on survey development. A presentation for the Center for Nonprofit Excellence.

Porter, M. (December 2013, July 2014, October 2016). Introduction to Survey Development. A presentation for the Center for Nonprofit Excellence, Charlottesville, VA.

Porter, M. (November 2013, January 2014, February 2015, March 2016, April 2017). Survey Development Intensive Consultation Group. 18-hour consultation group prepared for the Center for Nonprofit Excellence, Charlottesville, VA.

Porter, M.R. (September, 2013). Data Mining: What Your Data Story Says and How to Use it. A presentation for the Virginia Department of Education, Project EASE. Charlottesville, Virginia.

Porter, M.R. & Neumeyer, D. (October, 2012). Improving Evaluation and Reporting Outcomes for Youth and Family Legal Programs. A presentation to the Virginia Poverty Law Center: Evaluating Legal Aid Programs that Serve Youth and Families. Williamsburg, VA. Handout available on-line: http://curry.virginia.edu/uploads/resourceLibrary/Legal_Aid_Conference_Outline_Handout.Porter_Neumeyer.pdf

Porter, M.R. (June, 2012). Adolescent Development, Problem Behaviors and Interventions. (June, 2012). A presentation on the panel Is It Normal School Behavior or Criminal? for Making a Difference in Juvenile Justice, the 2012 Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Conference. Newport News, VA.

Porter, M.R., (May, 2012). Understanding and Responding to Adolescent Problem Behavior in School Incorporating Positive Youth Development Research into Your Representation of Children. A presentation for the Robert E. Shepherd, Jr. Juvenile Law and Education Conference. University of Richmond School of Law. Richmond, VA. Slides available on-line: http://curry.virginia.edu/uploads/resourceLibrary/Robert_E._Shepherd_Jr_Juvenile_Law_and_Education_Conference.5.11.12.pdf

Porter, M.R. (May, 2012). Using Evaluation Data to Drive Organizational Decision Making. A presentation for the Center for Nonprofit Excellence. Charlottesville, VA. Slides available on-line: http://curry.virginia.edu/uploads/resourceLibrary/Using_Data_to_Drive_Decisions.CNE.4.26.12.pdf

Porter, M.R. (October, 2009). Systems of Care and Schools. A presentation for the Virginia Association of Visiting Teachers/School Social Workers, Annual Conference. Lynchburg, VA.

Porter, M.R. (April, 2009). Systems of Care: Changes in the Local Service Delivery System for Children and Families. Foothills Child Advocacy Center, Charlottesville/Albemarle 5th Annual Child Abuse Awareness Forum. Charlottesville, VA.

Porter, M.R. (March, 2009). Systems of Care: Enhancing the Local Service Delivery Practice Model. A presentation for the Virginia Law Foundation, Continuing Legal Education Session: “Representing Children in a Transformative Environment of Service Delivery and Resources.” Richmond, VA.

Porter, M.R. (January, 2009). Systems of Care: How to Make it Work. Special meeting of the Fluvanna Comprehensive Service Act stakeholders. Palmyra, VA.

Porter, M.R. (August, 2008 – March, 2009). On the Horizon: Changes in the service delivery system for children and families. Multiple presentations/settings. Charlottesville, VA.

Porter, M.R. (August – March, 2008). Priorities in Human Services for Charlottesville/Albemarle. Multiple presentations/settings. Charlottesville, VA.

Porter, M.R., Fernandez, J., & Oudekerk, B. (July, 2007). Community Initiated Projects: Successes and Challenges. 4th Annual University-Community Partnership Conference, Blacksburg, VA.

Porter, M.R. (April, 2007). Attachment, Trauma, and Interventions. Foothills Child Advocacy Center, Resilience and Recovery in Children Forum, Charlottesville, VA.

Academic Publications & Unpublished Manuscripts

McElhaney, K.B., Porter, M.R., Thompson, L.W., & Allen, J. P. (2008). Apples and oranges: Divergent meanings in mother vs. adolescent perceptions of parental influence. Journal of Early Adolescence, 28(2), 206-229.

Allen, J.P., Porter, M.R., McFarland, F.C., McElhaney, K.B., & Marsh P. (2007). The relation of attachment security to adolescents’ paternal and peer relationships, depression, and externalizing behavior. Child Development, 78(4), 1222-1239.

Allen, J.P., Insabella, G., Porter, M.R., Smith, F., Land, D., & Phillips, N. (2006). A social-interaction model of the development of depressive symptoms in adolescence. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 74(1), 55-65.

Allen, J.P., Porter, M.R., & McFarland, C.F. (2006). Leaders and followers in adolescent close friendships:  Susceptibility to peer influence as a predictor of peer pressure, risky behavior, and depression. Development & Psychopathology, 18, 155-172.

Guo, Y., Musselman, D.L., Manatunga, A., Gilles, N., Porter, M.R., McDaniel, J.S., & Nemeroff, C.B. (2006). The diagnosis of major depression in patients with cancer: A comparative approach. Psychosomatics, 47(5), 376-384.

Marsh, P., Allen, J.P., Ho, M., Porter, M.R., & McFarland, F.C., (2006). The changing nature of adolescent friendships: Longitudinal links with early adolescent ego development. Journal of Early Adolescence, 26(4), 414-431.

Musselman, D.L., Somerset, W. I., Guo, Y., Manatunga, A.K., Porter, M.R., Penna, S., Lewison, B., Goodkin, R., Lawson, K., Lawson, D., Evans, D.L., & Nemeroff, C.B. (2006). A double-blind, multicenter, parallel group study of paroxetine, desipramine, or placebo in breast cancer patients (stages I, II, III, and IV) with major depression. The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 67(2), 288-296.

Allen, J.A., Porter, M.R., McFarland, F.C., Marsh, P., & McElhaney, K.M. (2005). The two faces of adolescents’ success with peers: Adolescent popularity, social adaptation, and deviant behavior. Child Development, 76(3), 1-14.

Porter, M.R., Antonishak, J., & Reppucci, N.D. (2005). Limitations of Policy and Applied Definitions of Child Maltreatment. In M. Feerick, J. Knutson, P. Trickett, & S. Flanzer (Eds.) Defining and classifying child abuse and neglect for research purposes.

The Community Research Group of the University of Virginia. (2001). Victim empathy classes for juvenile offenders: Facilitator manual. Unpublished manuscript. University of Virginia.

Allen, J.P., Porter, M.R., & McFarland, F.C. (2001). Autonomy-relatedness coding system for use with adolescent dyads.  Unpublished manuscript. University of Virginia.

Musselman, D.L., Miller, A.H., Porter, M.R., Manatunga, A., Gao, F., Penna, S., Pearce, B. D., Landry, J., Golver, S., McDaniel, S., & Nemeroff, C.B. (2001). Higher than normal plasma interleukin-6 concentrations in cancer patients with depression: Preliminary findings. American Journal of Psychiatry, 158, 1252-1257.

Allen, J.P., Hall, F., Insabella, G.M., Land, D., Marsh, P., & Porter, M.R. (1999). Supportive behavior task coding manual. Unpublished manuscript. University of Virginia.

Musselman, D.L., McDaniel, J.S., Porter, M.R., & Nemeroff, C.B. (1999). Screening for depression. Journal of the Medical Association of Georgia, 88, 47-53.

Cinciripini, P.M., Gritz, E.R., Tsoh, J.Y., Skaar, K.L., Lundberg, J.C., Passik, S.D., Winters, B.L., Berwick, M., Richardson, J.L., Sanchez, K., Balfour, J.L., Kaplan, G.A. Watson, M., Greer, S., Helgeson, V.S., Cohen, S., Fritz, H.L., Fox, B.H., Bovbjerg, D.H., Valdimarsdottir, H.B., Musselman, D.L., McDaniel, J.S., Porter, M.R., Nemeroff, C.B. (1998) Psychological and behavioral factors in cancer risk. In J.C. Holland (Ed). Psycho-oncology. London: Oxford: University Press.

Musselman, D.L., Anderson, G., Porter, M.R., & Nemeroff, C.B. (1998). The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical system. In R. Casper (Ed.) Women’s health: Hormones, emotions, and behavior (pp. 109 – 121). New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.

Porter, M.R., Musselman, D.L., McDaniel, J.S., & Nemeroff, C.B. (1997) From sadness to major depression: Assessment and management of patients with cancer.  In R.K. Portenoy & E. Bruera (Eds.) Supportive Care Medicine. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

Musselman, D.L., Tomer, A., Manatunga, A.K., Knight, B.T., Porter, M.R., Kasey, S., Marzec, U., Harker, L.A., & Nemeroff, C.B. (1996). Exaggerated platelet reactivity in major depression.  American Journal of Psychiatry, 153, 1313-1317.

Musselman, D.L., McDaniel, J.S., Anderson, G., Porter, M.R., & Nemeroff, C.B. (1996). Depression in patients with cancer. Directions in Psychiatry, 16, 1-11.

McDaniel, J.S., Musselman, D.L., Porter, M.R., Reed, D.A., & Nemeroff, C.B. (1995).  Depression in patients with cancer: Diagnosis, biology, and treatment. Archives of General Psychiatry, 52, 89-99.