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The most convincing and compelling impact stories come from strong, vital organizations. Because no one can do everything themselves, we’ve built a directory of consultants recommended by other small- to medium-sized nonprofits (that’s you if your annual operating budget is roughly $500K to $3M).

From catering -to- program evaluation -to- Board development… find and recommend consultants here.

We publish up to four of the most recent recommendations any consultant receives.

Search for peer-recommended consultants by two tags:

Commitment to Diversity Find consultants who have a stated commitment to antiracism or diversity, equity, inclusion, and/or are a small women/minority-owned business.
Support Tag Find consultants based on the type of support they provide.

Are you a small- to medium-sized nonprofit with someone to recommend? Submit a recommendation here – we will review it for this directory.

You must include your name and organization name on the recommendation.

*Fine Print: This is simply a list of consultants recommended by nonprofits – and by using it you are agreeing not to hold Partnerships for Strategic Impact® and its owners/employees/investors, or the nonprofit recommenders, liable for any use of these consultants. It is the responsibility of each individual/organization using this directory to diligently vet any consultants identified.


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