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Data Playbook
For purpose-driven organizations, data means more than just numbers and graphs–it is about understanding what more you can do to change lives and strengthen communities. The Data Playbook, from Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Philanthropies, provides the building blocks you need to put data to work for your mission through a measured approach to understanding and telling stories of impact.
Data Visualization Catalogue
The Data Visualization Catalogue categorizes charts by their data visualization functions or by what you want a chart to communicate to an audience. While the allocation of each chart into specific functions isn't a perfect system, it still works as a useful guide for selecting chart based on your analysis or communication needs.
Data Visualization Checklist
The Data Visualization Checklist is a compilation of 24 guidelines on how graphs should be formatted to best show the story in your data. The 24 guidelines are broken down into 5 sections: Text, Arrangement, Color, Lines, and Overall.
Design Your Visualization
The Data Playbook section on communicating results breaks down tips on how to design your data visualization to tell a powerful story.