Out-of-School-Time Impact Statement


An Impact Statement can help you talk about why the Solutions you’re putting in place (and the corresponding Programs and Strategies) are really the best ones for addressing the Community-level Need. An impact Statement allows nonprofit leaders to confidently talk about the long-term and community-level impact their evidence-based programming, evidence-informed programming, or best practice programming is having; these long-term impacts include short-term outcomes, medium-term outcomes, and long-term outcomes. Most nonprofits will not provide all the Best Practice Programming or all the Quality Program Components – and there isn’t a goal for them to. But the programming that nonprofits do offer should include one or more of these things… because that’s what we know works!

Partnerships for Strategic Impact® has put together several Impact Statements. These are two-page summaries of evidence-based and -informed solutions, programs, and strategies, as well as best practices in several areas including affordable housing, early childcare and education, K-12 education, workforce development, out-of-school time, home visiting.

Invoices available upon request. Email porter@psi-consult.com.