Ten Reasons Not to Measure Impact—and What to Do Instead
Stanford Social Innovation Review | 2018
Ten Reasons Not to Measure Impact—and What to Do Instead, a Stanford Social Innovation Review article, simplified the task of improving data collection and analysis with a three-question test. The author emphasized that if your organization cannot answer yes to at least one of the following questions, then your organization probably should not be collecting data. 1) Can and will the (cost-effectively collected) data help manage the day-to-day operations or design decisions for your program? 2) Are the data useful for accountability, to verify that the organization is doing what it said it would do? 3) Will your organization commit to using the data and make investments in organizational structures necessary to do so?
Resource Link: https://ssir.org/articles/entry/ten_reasons_not_to_measure_impact_and_what_to_do_instead
Parent Source: https://ssir.org/