Circle of Security Parenting
Circle of Security ParentingTM (COSP) is an 8-week parenting program based on years of research about how to build strong attachment relationships between parent and child. It is designed to help parents learn how to respond to their child’s needs in a way that enhances the attachment between parent and child. It helps parents give their children a feeling of security and confidence so they can explore, learn, grow and build positive relationships; all essential skills for life-long success.
The Economic Contributions of Healthy Food Incentives
The Economic Contributions of Healthy Food Incentives
Fair Food Network | 2021
This pioneering study shows that broad expansions of healthy food incentives would provide powerful returns on that investment – for families, grocers, and farmers, as well as more broadly among the state economies where such benefits are expanded. The findings demonstrate that state and federal policymakers would be wise to double down on their support for these programs.
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The Economic Contributions of Healthy Food Incentives
This pioneering study shows that broad expansions of healthy food incentives would provide powerful returns on that investment – for families, grocers, and farmers, as well as more broadly among the state economies where such benefits are expanded. The findings demonstrate that state and federal policymakers would be wise to double down on their support for these programs.
There’s No Place Like Home
Home visiting programs, which offer in-home services to pregnant women and new families, can lead to improved maternal and child health outcomes, positive parenting, safe homes, and connections to integrated assistance. This article highlights specific home visiting programs that are currently being funded in the United States.
Early Childhood Interventions
This document is an objective review and synthesis of current research that addresses the potential for various forms of early childhood intervention to improve outcomes for participating children and their families. The evidence base sheds light on the types of programs that have been demonstrated to be effective, the features associated with effective programs, and the potential for returns to society that exceed the resources invested in program delivery.