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Financial Health and Wealth Dashboard

This dashboard uses financial health metrics (credit, debt, savings, assets, and wealth) to help local leaders create solutions for narrowing the racial wealth gap. Dashboard users can search by city or zip code anywhere in the United States to see financial data at the local level.

Five First Steps to Data Visualization

Before even beginning to format a graph, the question we need to ask first is not “how do we visualize data,” but “how do we find the story in the data?” The five steps outlined in this article will save you time and effort before you dive straight into design.

The Economic Contributions of Healthy Food Incentives

This pioneering study shows that broad expansions of healthy food incentives would provide powerful returns on that investment – for families, grocers, and farmers, as well as more broadly among the state economies where such benefits are expanded.  The findings demonstrate that state and federal policymakers would be wise to double down on their support for these programs.

The Generalizability Puzzle

The Stanford Social Innovation Review's Generalizability Puzzle is a paper that recognizes that any practical policy question must be broken into parts. Some parts of the problem will be answered with local institutional knowledge and descriptive data, and some will be answered with evidence from impact evaluations in other contexts. The generalizability framework set out in this paper provides a practical approach for combining evidence of different kinds to assess whether a given policy will likely work in a new context. If researchers and policy makers continue to view results of impact evaluations as a black box and fail to focus on mechanisms, the movement toward evidence-based policy making will fall far short of its potential for improving people’s lives.

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