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Financial Health and Wealth Dashboard

This dashboard uses financial health metrics (credit, debt, savings, assets, and wealth) to help local leaders create solutions for narrowing the racial wealth gap. Dashboard users can search by city or zip code anywhere in the United States to see financial data at the local level.

The Economic Contributions of Healthy Food Incentives

This pioneering study shows that broad expansions of healthy food incentives would provide powerful returns on that investment – for families, grocers, and farmers, as well as more broadly among the state economies where such benefits are expanded.  The findings demonstrate that state and federal policymakers would be wise to double down on their support for these programs.

There’s No Place Like Home

Home visiting programs, which offer in-home services to pregnant women and new families, can lead to improved maternal and child health outcomes, positive parenting, safe homes, and connections to integrated assistance. This article highlights specific home visiting programs that are currently being funded in the United States.

Ready by 21

Ready by 21 increases the capacity of leaders to achieve collective impact for children and youth by providing standards, proven tools and solutions, and ways to measure and track youth success.

Social Issues from The Brookings Institute

The Social Issues area conducts in-depth research that leads to new ideas for solving problems facing society at the local, national and global level. Topics include children and families, crime and criminal justice, environment, poverty, race, gender, immigration, income inequality and social mobility.

Self-Sufficiency, Welfare, and Employment Portfolio

US Department of Health and Human Services; Office of the Administration for Children and Families; Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation; Self-Sufficiency, Welfare, and Employment portfolio addresses innovative approaches for increasing economic self-sufficiency and reducing welfare dependency, including rigorous evaluations of promising employment strategies. Studies address a variety of topics including alternative welfare-to-work strategies, career ladders, employment retention and advancement, and strategies to promote work in rural areas.

Self-Sufficiency Research Clearinghouse

Self-Sufficiency Research Clearinghouse provides the synthesis and dissemination of research and demonstration findings, and provides researchers, policymakers, and practitioners access to high-quality research focusing on self-sufficiency, employment, and family and child well-being.

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