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Social Issues from The Brookings Institute

The Social Issues area conducts in-depth research that leads to new ideas for solving problems facing society at the local, national and global level. Topics include children and families, crime and criminal justice, environment, poverty, race, gender, immigration, income inequality and social mobility.

Pew Results First Clearinghouse

The Results First Clearinghouse Database is an online resource that brings together information on the effectiveness of social policy programs from nine national clearinghouses. It applies color-coding to the clearinghouses’ distinct rating systems, creating a common language that enables users to quickly see where each program falls on a spectrum from negative impact to positive impact. As such, this database can help users easily access and understand the evidence base for a variety of programs.

Model Programs Guide – The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention

The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention’s (OJJDP’s) Model Programs Guide (MPG) contains information about evidence-based juvenile justice and youth prevention, intervention, and reentry programs. It is a resource for practitioners and communities about what works, what is promising, and what does not work in juvenile justice, delinquency prevention, and child protection and safety.

Clearinghouse for Labor Evaluation and Research

CLEAR reviews studies in a variety of labor-related topic areas that are determined in collaboration with the Department of Labor (DOL) Chief Evaluation Office and DOL agency staff. The information is up to year 2014, and includes topic areas such as low-income adults, child labor. older workers, literacy, community college, reentry, veterans, women in STEM and more.

Youth Evidence-Based Program Directory

The Program Directory features evidence-based programs whose purpose is to prevent and/or reduce delinquency or other problem behaviors in young people. The site also describes risk and protective factors, recent research and how factors are relevant to youth programs.

Crime Solutions

The National Institute of Justice’s CrimeSolutions data can be used to help policymakers inform funding decisions, trainers improve their training programs, and researchers become more informed on criminal justice research. CrimeSolutions is comprised of two components — a web-based clearinghouse of programs and practices and a process for identifying and rating those programs and practices. After the programs and practices undergo rigorous evaluations and meta-analyses, the site assesses the strength of the evidence about whether these programs achieve criminal justice, juvenile justice, and crime victim services outcomes in order to inform practitioners and policy makers about what works, what doesn't, and what's promising.

What Works in Reentry Clearinghouse

What Works in Reentry Clearinghouse is a “one-stop shop” for research on the effectiveness of a wide variety of reentry programs and practices. It features programs rated by the National Institute of Justice’s, a website that presents programs that have undergone rigorous evaluations and meta-analyses. assesses the strength of the evidence about whether these programs achieve criminal justice, juvenile justice, or crime victim services outcomes in order to inform practitioners and policy makers about what works, what doesn’t, and what’s promising.

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