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Understanding the Possibility of a Program Leading to Longer-term Change

Partnerships for Strategic Impact created a two-pager to help social sector partners use scientific research to understanding whether a program is likely to help clients create longer-term change in their lives. This is how you connect the immediate impact your clients receive (and which you can measure) to the longer-term change you hope they make (and which you cannot measure).

The Missing Part of Style Guides

One big reason more folks don’t adhere to the company style guide is because it doesn’t have all the guidance they need. Style guides are a gift – the people who put them together have already made some difficult decisions that guide your graph-making. This is the document where you’ll find the exact colors you should be using in your charts. If you’re lucky, you’ll also find details about font sizes. This takes out the guess work and makes it such that everyone’s viz looks the same. And THAT brings you cohesion and consistency.

2021-10-04T14:01:28+00:00Categories: Powerful Data Viz|Tags: , |

Key Steps in Outcome Management

This is the first in a Urban Institute series of guides to help nonprofit organizations that wish to introduce or improve their efforts to focus on the results of their services. This first guide, entitled Key Steps, provides an overview of the outcome management process, identifying specific steps and providing suggestions for examining and using the outcome information

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