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Protective Factors Survey

The Protective Factors Survey (PFS) and the Protective Factors Survey, 2nd Edition (PFS-2) are designed for use with parents and caregivers participating in family support and child maltreatment prevention services. The PFS and PFS-2 assess multiple protective factors to prevent child abuse and neglect. Both surveys are intended to help agencies and programs better assess changes in family protective factors.

Circle of Security Parenting

Circle of Security ParentingTM (COSP) is an 8-week parenting program based on years of research about how to build strong attachment relationships between parent and child. It is designed to help parents learn how to respond to their child’s needs in a way that enhances the attachment between parent and child. It helps parents give their children a feeling of security and confidence so they can explore, learn, grow and build positive relationships; all essential skills for life-long success.

There’s No Place Like Home

Home visiting programs, which offer in-home services to pregnant women and new families, can lead to improved maternal and child health outcomes, positive parenting, safe homes, and connections to integrated assistance. This article highlights specific home visiting programs that are currently being funded in the United States.

Early Childhood Interventions

This document is an objective review and synthesis of current research that addresses the potential for various forms of early childhood intervention to improve outcomes for participating children and their families. The evidence base sheds light on the types of programs that have been demonstrated to be effective, the features associated with effective programs, and the potential for returns to society that exceed the resources invested in program delivery.

Transforming the Financing of Early Care and Education

The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine released a report called Transforming the Financing of Early Care and Education. The 315 page document highlights the lack of access to high-quality early care and education for children in the United States, and proposes implementing a new financing structure to ensure that all children have the opportunity to access affordable education. The authors articulate their vision for a structure that will support the total cost of a high-quality ECE system. They hope the report will stimulate policy makers, practitioners, leaders, and all other ECE stakeholders to make the commitment to plan and implement the transformed and effective financing structure that we recommend here.

Ready by 21

Ready by 21 increases the capacity of leaders to achieve collective impact for children and youth by providing standards, proven tools and solutions, and ways to measure and track youth success.

Social Issues from The Brookings Institute

The Social Issues area conducts in-depth research that leads to new ideas for solving problems facing society at the local, national and global level. Topics include children and families, crime and criminal justice, environment, poverty, race, gender, immigration, income inequality and social mobility.

Forum for Youth Investment

Forum for Youth Investment helps leaders change the odds for kids by finding scalable solutions to pressing problems that drive opportunity gaps, and by helping public and private leaders align the myriad of programs and policies created to improve youth opportunities and outcomes.

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