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The Economic Contributions of Healthy Food Incentives

This pioneering study shows that broad expansions of healthy food incentives would provide powerful returns on that investment – for families, grocers, and farmers, as well as more broadly among the state economies where such benefits are expanded.  The findings demonstrate that state and federal policymakers would be wise to double down on their support for these programs.

Healthy Development Summit II Report

This report provides a summary of Healthy Development Summit II: Changing frames and expanding partnerships to promote children’s mental health and social/emotional wellbeing. The Summit assembled a diverse group of stakeholders together to generate ideas for new ways to move forward to promote young children’s positive mental health. The second of two summits, this summit focused on the application of the research to practice and policy across sectors of society; that is using what we know to inform what we do. As with the first summit, this Summit focused on early childhood (birth to age eight) because the science is very solid in early childhood development. The Summit also built on momentum for change from the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act3 (2010), which has multiple components related to prevention and positive mental health that may provide new opportunities for promoting young children’s mental health. Finally, the Summit built on heightened public interest in mental health, particularly in young people, due to media and policymakers’ attention to school violence, bullying, and youth suicide.

Pew Results First Clearinghouse

The Results First Clearinghouse Database is an online resource that brings together information on the effectiveness of social policy programs from nine national clearinghouses. It applies color-coding to the clearinghouses’ distinct rating systems, creating a common language that enables users to quickly see where each program falls on a spectrum from negative impact to positive impact. As such, this database can help users easily access and understand the evidence base for a variety of programs.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), one of the major operating components of the Department of Health and Human Services, conducts critical science and provides health information that protects our nation from health, safety and security threats, both foreign and in the U.S. Whether diseases start at home or abroad, are chronic or acute, curable or preventable, human error or deliberate attack, CDC fights disease and supports communities and citizens to do the same. As the nation’s health protection agency, CDC saves lives and protects people from health threats.

Kids Count Data Book

The 32nd edition of the Annie E. Casey Foundation's KIDS COUNT® Data Book describes how children across the United States were faring before — and during — the coronavirus pandemic. This 2021publication continues to deliver the Foundation’s annual state rankings and the latest available data on child well-being. It identifies multiyear trends — comparing statistics from 2010 to 2019. In addition, the report shares data on how families endured throughout the pandemic.

Urban Data Catalog

The Urban Institute's Data Catalog includes data sets on education, family, health policy, poverty, children, labor force, housing, race, economic growth, youth, immigration and more.

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