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Data Equity Framework

The Data Equity Framework is a systematic process that provides you with a set of tools, checklists, and practices that allow you to identify and understand each place in your work where you are embedding a worldview or prioritizing a lived experience. It equips you and your team to make those choices intentionally in a way that achieves the equity goals you have identified for your work.

Fund for Shared Insight

Fund for Shared Insight pools financial and other resources to provide grants, coaching, inspiration, and community-building through collaborative philanthropy. Our work reflects our commitment to the kind of listening and learning that values lived experience and advances equity. The overarching goal is that foundations and nonprofits be meaningfully connected to the people and communities most harmed by structural racism and other systemic inequities, and more responsive to their insights and feedback. Listen4Good is a capacity-building initiative of the Fund for Shared Insight that helps direct-service organizations listen and respond to the people and communities at the heart of their work. Listen4Good’s suite of specially designed programs offers the expert tools, resources, and coaching organizations need to build high-quality feedback loops that advance equity and lead to positive changes in the ways they make decisions, deliver services and partner with clients.

Delivering on the Promise of Nonprofits

The authors, of the Bridgespan Group, say organizations should start by rigorously addressing a few interdependent questions: Which results will we hold ourselves accountable for? How will we achieve them? What will the results really cost, and how can we fund them? How do we build the organization we need to deliver those results? Together, those questions provide a framework for developing pragmatic, specific plans of action.

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