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The Ultimate Glossary of Performance Metrics Every Marketer Should Know

The Ultimate Glossary of Performance Metrics Every Marketer Should Know, breaks down 32 metrics to help your organization set marketing goals and track the progress of the goals. By digging into results, organizations can understand what worked well, what didn't work well, and then learn from it. After reading this article, you will understand how to be a data-driven marketer for your organization in the areas of content, social media, landing pages, lead conversion, SEO, emails, lead nurturing, public relations, branding, and overall funnel metrics.

Assessing the Quality of Programming

Partnerships for Strategic Impact created a one-pager to help organizations assess their quality of programming. In order for an organization to make the case that a specific impact is the result of programming they are providing in the real world, the authors breakdown what three things to look out for during an assessment.

Logic Model Workbook

The Innovation Network's Logic Model Workbook is a do-it-yourself guide to the concepts and use of a logic model. A logic model is a commonly-used tool to clarify and depict a program within an organization. You may have heard it described as a logical framework, theory of change, or program matrix—but the purpose is usually the same: to graphically depict your program, initiative, project or even the sum total of all of your organization’s work. It also serves as a foundation for program planning and evaluation. It describes the steps necessary for you to create logic models for your own programs. This process may take anywhere from an hour to several hours or even days, depending on the complexity of the program.

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